Meaning of our logo

The Sed Festival is one of the most important festivals that were celebrated in Ancient Egypt since the First Dynasties.


Our logo sample a stooped platform for the king to go up and where he was sitting down during one of the rituals or phases of the referred Sed Festival.


It´s usual among Egyptologists to consider that this Festival was carried out in order to the regeneration of the king of Egypt and, although it seems that the purpose pursued with it was not the same one in every periods of the History of Ancient Egypt, INDETEC-Aegiptus has taken part of the Heb Sed iconography as a symbol of the regeneration that Egyptology should suffer and is suffering, taking new grip in the study of Ancient Egypt, especially in these last years in which everyone already begins to consider fundamental to see it since the point of view of a multidisciplinary science. 


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Contacta con nosotros

Tfno/Fax: (+34) 956 536 286

 © INDETEC-Aegiptus
Instituto Internacional de Egiptología




Calle de la Plaza, 2-1º B

11130 Chiclana de la Fra.
