Teresa Soria Trastoy, President of INDETEC-Aegiptus, will present this new
International Institute of Egyptology recently created in Spain, since the
celebration, in Barcelona, of the "II Lectures on Egyptology", that
organizes the Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología (ASADE).
The event will take place in Barcelona on the days 13th and 14th of October,
2005, 18:00 to 21:00 hours, in the Auditorio "Pati Manning", 7
Montalegre St. The Lecturers are Egyptologists of international prestige as
Dra. Dña. Karine Gadré (Laboratoire d' Astrophysique of l' Observatoire
Midi-Pyrénées of Toulouse), Dra. Dña. Salima Ikram (Codirector of the
Animal Mummy Project in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo and Kharga Oasis Project)
or Francesco Raffaele (Specialist in the epochs of the Predinástico Late and
Dynastic Early Egyptian). All the lectures are in English and simultaneously
will be translated to Spanish. Diploma of will be delivered to participants.
The cost of the registration per two days is 20 Euro (10 Euro for ASADE
The lecturers and the organizers of the event, will attend to all the mass
media interested, during the half an hour previous to the beginning of the
lectures, that is to say, of 17:30 to 18:00 hours, in the Auditorio.
and contributors:
y Colaboradores: