Escritura del Antiguo Egipto: Textos, Jeroglíficos...


Amanuense, el rincón del jeroglífico egipcio AEL
The EEF Guide to Internet Resources for ancient Egyptian Texts Une base de textes en égyptien ancien - Serge Rosmorduc
Literatura Egipcia Translation of Ancient Egyptian Texts
Une base de textes en égyptien ancien - Serge Rosmorduc Some translations of texts
Ancient Egyptian Literature The Revised Encoding Scheme for hieroglyphic
The Multilingual Egyptological Thesaurus Electronic index to Coffin Texts citations
Prosopographia Aegypti

Beinlich Wordlist - An on-line dictionary of Ancient Egyptian

Demotic Texts Hieroglyphica (hieroglyphic library of more than 6900 signs)
Coptic fonts Egyptian transliteration font